Starting a business

Painting a hero’s role.

People start businesses for various reasons. Most of the time it’s because they believe they have an idea, the experience or talent to create something that will feed their financial needs.

A naturally experienced commitment and growth causes us to think about what we might do in much bigger terms. It’s a crucial part to making the connection to purpose.

Generate commitment and inspire action

Capacity to be fluid

Dichotomize ( to divide or separate into two parts )

Appreciating your history

Vision means to be able to see not only what is, but what might be; to see the present clearly and also how the future is taking place.

Learning to work with the materials, techniques, and procedures allow us to step off the beaten path and pursue our own trail. We envision a touchstone that would call us back to our primal origins to reawaken us.

These pieces of information are like a giant jigsaw puzzle. You drop them in a disconnected way, but as you bring more and more information to the fore, the whole picture appears. The answer may hide in an unexpected place, but it always comes from within - it's never a matter of what the growth industries are , or what’s going to be hot next year.

The real key is to trust what’s inside of us rather than the boxes others put around us. All the great teachers have told us the key is to trust ourselves. The real world has thousands of different endeavors, and there are so many ways to learn - some academic, some not. There’s always a place for us if we can only figure it out.

The realization of our Artist’s voice !


Yes, Do what you love and become " ONE " with it!