
There are two main varieties of quartz: crystalline quartz and cryptocrystalline quartz. Quartz crystals are found in cavities in geodes from granite porphyries and from granite pegmatites. Clear quyartz crystals have very shiny surfaces. Crystalline quartz is allochromatic, meaning trace impurities will create a variety of colors. The colored varieties include amethyst (violet – purple), citrine (yellow), smoky (brown), morion (black), rose (pink), sapphire quartz (blue), and milky (semi-translucent white).

Chemical composition SiO2
Color Colorless
Lustre Vitreous
Hardness 7
Crystal system Trigonal
Origin Brazil and worldwide
Healing properties*

According to ancient beliefs, quartz works directly with the separation of layers of the disconnected mind, attempting to reintegrate the levels of consciousness. Develops our powers of subtle perception. Gently cleanses our mind and body. Helps to release feelings of insecurity.

Ancient Greeks named the mineral krystallos (“ice”), believing that quartz crystals were petrified ice, frozen so hard that it could never thaw. Roman priestesses of vesta used quartz crystals to “draw fire down from heaven” to light altar fires.